“The ultimate objective of SAFERUP! is to train new professionals able to provide future generations with more livable cities by applying solutions developed through cutting-edge research.”
- Train top-level researchers and professionals with high expertise in the SAFERUP fields;
Increase the employability and help satisfying the rising demand for such qualified researchers and managers;
Push forward the scientific frontiers of urban pavements design, construction and management;
Consolidate and expand the network of collaborations among the partners;
Enhance academia-industry Transfer of Knowledge in both directions and obtain full value from the network.
In Bologna, 3 of the 15 researcher work on:
- High Friction & Acoustic Surfacing for Pavements (HI-FASP)
- Vulnerable Users Protection with advanced recycled paving materials (PROTECTVU)
- Waste mineral fillers Recycling in new Paving solutions (WASTERP)